New homes and road safety improvements for Lighthorne Road
Richborough Estates will shortly be submitting an outline planning application to Stratford-upon-Avon District Council for land east of Lighthorne Road, which has been safeguarded in the Kineton Neighbourhood Plan.
On this website you can find more detail about the proposals, read some questions and answers about the plans, and register for updates.
The proposals include the creation of a new footpath on Lighthorne Road north of the old railway bridge and new traffic signalling at the bridge to reduce speeds and improve overall traffic safety. Our landscape-driven design will increase the area's biodiversity while also prioritising usable public open space, including a new equipped children’s play area and a community orchard.
What is an outline planning application?
An outline planning application agrees the principle of development on a site. That’s why you may not see the level of detail in the plans you would expect. If an outline planning application is granted planning permission, this must be followed by a reserved matters planning application, which must also receive its own planning permission. This will contain cover the detailed aspect of the design of the new homes and final layout.
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How does the process work?
In Autumn 2016 people living within Kineton parish approved the Kineton Neighbourhood Development Plan with an overwhelming 90% support. This document prepared by Kineton Parish Council sets out how development should come forward in the parish. This document classifies land east of Lighthorne Road as ‘Safeguarded Land’, which means that residential development can be brought forward on the site when there is an evidenced and demonstrable housing need, so long as it is consistent with local policies and subject to planning permission from Stratford-upon-Avon District Council.
You can read a copy of the Kineton Neighbourhood Development Plan here.
Summer 2024
Following the General Election, the Ministry for Local Government, Housing and Communities published for consultation a new method for calculating housing need. This would increase Stratford-upon-Avon District Council’s annual projected need for new homes from 553 to 1,098. In August the new numbers were agreed to in principle by the local authority as they prepare the South Warwickshire Local Plan (SWLP) to meet the increased local housing need with Warwick District Council.
Autumn 2024
To help meet Kineton’s housing need Richborough Estates is preparing an outline planning application for 80 new homes, public open space enhancements and improvements to vehicular and pedestrian traffic on Lighthorne Road. That's why we've launched a public consultation, after which the planning application will be submitted to Stratford-upon-Avon District Council for their consideration.
Only following both planning permissions can work begin on site to build the homes and public open space.