• The land is currently low-grade agricultural land.

  • The design of the scheme is landscape-led, working with the terrain and natural features. In addition to the new homes and retaining as many hedgerows and trees as possible, the proposals include a children’s play area, an attenuation basin for drainage and community allotments.

  • Stratford-upon-Avon District Council is legally required to bring forward sites for housing to meet its targets within its boundaries, which includes Kineton. Over the summer, the council accepted that the housing need in the district had increased to 1,098 new homes annually to meet local need.  

    Kineton is a popular village and is strategically located next to large employers at Gaydon and the Ministry of Defence. It has a growing population and is becoming a desirable location for young people to live.

  • No, the site is not in the Green Belt.

  • The proposals will meet a policy-compliant mix of parking spaces for each dwelling which is as follows: 

    • 1 parking space for a one-bedroom home 

    • 2 parking spaces for a two- to three-bedroom home 

    • 3 parking spaces for a four-bedroom home 

    The parking in the proposals will focus on providing parking spaces on private drives but will also include on-street parking. The exact mix will be determined at any future reserved matters planning application. 

  • To construct a new footpath along Lighthorne Road to connect the proposed new homes with Kineton’s village centre, the old railway bridge over Lighthorne Road will be signalised to only allow one direction of traffic to cross the bridge at a given time. This will have the added benefit of improving safety on the bridge by reducing the risk of head-on collisions.

  • Any planning permission will be required to make contributions towards local schools and healthcare facilities, if requested. It should be noted that all four GP surgeries within a 5-mile radius of the site are accepting new patients.

  • The site lies within Flood Zone 1, meaning that it is an area with the lowest probability of flooding. Subject to a flooding risk assessment and the design process, the drainage strategy is expected to include a SUDS pond and the potential for a swale by the outfall. There could also be additional measures to tackle surface runoff, such as permeable paving and filer trenches.

  • A Construction Management Plan will be included as part of the planning application, which will detail the route of construction vehicles, how the council will monitor the plan and how you can contact the project team about construction-related enquiries. 

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